To be published in the Scientific Notes, the articles should be arranged in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission Resolution since 15.01.2003 № 7-05/1 «On raising standards for professional publications included within the lists of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine " (Newsletter of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. - 2003. - № 1. - C.2) and should contain the following elements:

UDC: ________

JEL classification: ________


scientific degree, position, university


Abstract (not less than 250 words)
Keywords (3-5): 


науковий ступінь, посада, ЗВО


Анотація (не менше 50 слів)
Ключові слова (3-5): 


Text of the article:

Problem definition. ..........................................
Analysis of recent research and publications. .........
The aims and objectives of the research. .............................
Explanation of the main material. ...............................
Conclusions. ..............................................................
References (no less than four sources should be used within a article and have direct references in the text).


When preparing the annotation a number of things should be taken into account:
abstract - a brief, precise statement of the content, which includes the main factual information and conclusions. The conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, hypotheses, which are presented in the material.
One of the proven variants of the annotation is a short repetition of the structure of the article, which includes the introduction, purpose and objectives, methods, results, conclusion. Summaries give an opportunity to get an idea of the main content of the article, which sometimes eliminates the need to read the material in full. Annotations are used in information, (including automated) systems for searching documents and information;
Remember that an abstract written in languages other than the original language of the article is for scientists who do not know the language of the article, as a rule, the only source of information on the content of the article and the research results contained therein.
The text of the summary must be concise and clear, free of secondary information.
The abstract in Ukrainian must be not less than 50 words. The text in English must be not less than 250 words.

Requirements for formatting scientific articles

1. Text:
The text of the articles should be submitted on electronical carrier ( .doc or.rtf file extension).
Format A4.
Font Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.5, all margins (right top, bottom, left, right): 2cm (without header and footer), without hyphenation, paginated.
The titles of the chapters in the text of the article: centered, bold; titles of subchapters: centered in italics. Formatting using whitespaces is not allowed.
In the upper right corner: UDC of the article.
The next line: the initials and surnames of the author and co-authors (font size 14, bold) left in the nominative case.
The next line: the degree, academic title, position of the author ( size 14, italic) left (unabridged).
The next line: the name of the institution (size 14, italic) left.
The next line: title in capital letters (font size 14, bold) in the middle.
At an interval, abstracts and key words in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Pagination, numbers of paragraphs, figures, tables and formulas are to be given in Arabic numerals without the symbol №.
Do not use additional space characters to format the text.
Do not set indentation at the beginning of the paragraph using tabbing or space characters.
Do not use the key «Enter» to interrupt lines.
Do not use hyphen to make "artificial" line-breaks.
Use the same quotation marks throughout the article.
Do not use a hyphen instead of a dash.
Words should be separated with a single space.
Do not automatically ban hanging lines.

2. Illustrations:
The quality of the illustrations must ensure their accurate reproduction.
Figures in the article inserted in one of the following formats (jpeg, bmp, tif) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (submit high quality originals).
Figures are signed and numbered (if they are more than one).
The cutline must be placed under the illustration and indicated with the abbreviation "Fig.".
All objects in simple figures that are made in Word, must be grouped. The text of the article should not contain pictures and/or text within the frames, pictures located over/behind the text etc., i.e. the text should be formatted in the way that all objects be placed "within the text". Compicated multilayer pictures should be made using graphic programs as curves in format eps, cdr, ai, pdf and they must be available for correction.
Diagrams and flow charts should be placed after the first reference to them in the text. — Since printing will be in black and white, do not use a background or colour in graphs, charts etc.

3. Tables:
Each table should have a name that is placed over the table at the right corner in italics. The word "Table" should begin with a capital letter.
The font size in tables should be one size smaller than in the main text.
The cells of the table are not colour-filled.
Tables and illustrations should not go off onto the margins. Captions should have the same style as the rest of the article.

4. Formulas:
Formulas are given in the format Microsoft Equation 3.0 (it is the internal Equation Editor in Microsoft Word for Windows), centered in the middle of the text and numbered in parentheses on the right.
The formulas and designation should contain proper characters, distinguishing, for example, between I, i and j , or between I and J
If there are formulas with fractions, symbols denoted with the characters of the Latin or Greek alphabet should be inserted using the editor “insert a symbol”, and not Equation Editor. Eg. n = 5, x13, ß and so on.

5. References:
References should be given in brackets, for example [3, 68; 5, 37 ], where the first number indicates the numbers of sources in the bibliographic index, and the second, the relevant page, the source ( specifying the page) is separated from another source with a semicolon).
References in brackets [ ] should not be keyed in using the Equation Editor

6. Notes:
Notes to the text and tables containing reference data and explanatory information, within the same page are numbered sequentially.
Notes to the text are made automatically and numbered in Arabic numerals.
If there are several notes to the tables on the same page, then after the word "Notes" a colon should be put, for example:
1. ...
If there is one note, it is not numbered and the word "Note" is followed by a full stop.

7.Preparation of the references list:
At the end of the article, after a blank line, there should be the references that must specify: authors of the publication, title, place of publishing, total number of pages in the publication; for periodicals: number of the issue and the numbers of pages containing the article. In the main text references are given in brackets.
Literary sources cited or used in the article should be numbered.
The list of references should comply with current national standards.

In the process of proofreading the text of the article can be corrected and abridged.
The authors are responsible for the correctness and accuracy of all mentioned data and facts as well as for publishing information that is not subject to the Open Access.
Only one article of the same author can be published in the issue.
Materials that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements will not be considered.

Correspondents without scientific degree must submit scientific supervisor’s or outside review by a Doctor of Economics